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Accounting Assessment林肯大学MBA作业答案-代做MBA作业-林肯大学MBA作业代做

作者:daixie119  来源:本站  发表时间:2022-1-20  点击:208

Accounting Assessment林肯大学MBA作业答案-代做MBA作业-林肯大学MBA作业代做

Part (a): Case-study (60 marks)  

Capital Plc is a house-building company that plans to build 100  houses for the next four years. The company purchase the development site for £4,000,000 before  building the small houses and large houses. Besides, the fixed  infrastructure costs of £1,500,000 per annum with a 2% inflation  rate per annum.  The financial information for the current selling price and variable  cost is as follows: The selling price inflation of 3% per annum and the variable cost of  construction inflation is 4.5% per annum. The company has a 12  per cent required return on this project. The corporate tax is 24%.  

You are the Senior Management Accountant of Capital  Plc. You are required to write a comprehensive report  to the Board of the company, which discusses how  the following investment appraisal techniques are  used in making capital investment decisions, looking  at the merits and demerits of each technique and their  limitations. Your report should include your calculations of these  techniques, which should be in the Appendices not in  the body of your report. Please use the spreadsheet  tool to calculate your answer and submit it together  with your report. 

 ➢ Net cash flow from year 0 to year 4. ➢ Payback Period of the proposed investment. ➢ The Accounting Rate of Return of the proposed investment.  ➢ The Net Present Value of the proposed investment. ➢ The Internal Rate of Return of the proposed investment.  ➢ Comments on the viability of the proposed investment. 

 Maximum: 1200 words  

Part (b): Interview session (40 marks) Accounting is the language of business. Accounting and nonaccounting users rely on accounting and finance information to  make business decisions. 

You are required to interview one  accounting/ finance practitioner to offer a different conceptual  way to think about accounting and finance matters in business  phenomena.  

Students may use the following learning outcomes to prepare the  interview, but not limited to the following. This interview session  must relate to accounting and finance.  • 

● LO1: Demonstrate a critical awareness of how  Management provides the basis for determining appropriate  financial strategies and policies for a company  

● LO2: Use quantitative models and their independent  judgement to analyse financial decisions and recommend  feasible options that managers can implement • 

● LO3: Carry out a systematic and detailed analysis of a  company’s performance using information from annual reports  and accounts, databases and the internet  • 

● LO4: Demonstrate an understanding and use the  appropriate analytical techniques to be applied to decisions  involving the raising of finance, the use of funds for investment  projects, and the distribution of funds to investors  • 

● The career prospect of accounting and finance  practitioners.  • 

● The background and learning journey of your  interviewee in the accounting  and finance field.  

Please do note that a copy of interview questions and notes taken  during the interview must be put in the Appendices. 

 Maximum: 1800 words

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