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6673 Test-Human Resource Management_A(1779)-代做MBA作业-林肯大学MBA作业代做

作者:daixie119  来源:本站  发表时间:2022-1-20  点击:261

6673 Test-Human Resource Management_A(1779)-代做MBA作业-林肯大学MBA作业代做

一、简答题(三选二,每题30分,60分)Short answer questions (three selected two, 30 points per question, a total of 60 points)


Question1: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using seniority as a standard for layoffs? What other options can be used to replace seniority as a standard for layoffs?


Question2: As more and more companies have been streamlined, the concept of "virtual enterprise" is emerging. His main idea is that a company should have core employees of owners and managers, but employees can change to the maximum extent according to needs, such as temporary employees, part time or short-term contract workers. This makes the company more flexible. The advantages and disadvantages of virtual enterprises are discussed from the perspective of enterprises and employees respectively. 

3. 假设你拥有一家有25名员工的公司,今年公司业绩辉煌。全体员工团结一致,为提高公司利润和努力工作。可惜的是,这些获利大都进了供应商的口袋,你只能给全体员工3%的加薪幅度。在进行绩效评估时,你要如何一方面称赞员工的努力付出,一方面告诉他们对于他们的杰出贡献,你能提供奖励的能力有限?现在假设你有能力提供丰厚的红利和加薪,当每个人的表现都很突出时,评估员工绩效的最优方案是什么?

Question3: Suppose you have a company with 25 employees, and the company has a brilliant performance this year. All the staff are united in order to improve the company's profits and work hard. Unfortunately, most of the profits are in the pocket of the supplier, and you can only give 3% of the salary increases for all the employees. How do you compliment the effort of the staff when conducting performance evaluation? On the one hand, tell them that your ability to offer rewards is limited for their outstanding contributions. Now suppose you have the ability to provide a generous bonus and a raise. What is the best way to assess employee performance when everyone's performance is prominent? 

二、论述题(二选一,每题40分,共40分)Discussion questions (two selected one, 40 points per question, a total of 40 points)


Question4: Some companies adopt a selective external equity policy. To avoid employees leaving the company. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this policy? Please explain?


Question5: Performance issues are very common in the workplace. People's efforts seem to be always inadequate. Interpersonal conflicts in the workplace always seem to be endless. Is training the answer to these questions? If so, what kind of training should I do? What other options might be appropriate?

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